About Illawarra & Shoalhaven Psychology Services
Why choose us?
At Shoalhaven Psychology in Berry and Kiama we are interested in helping people resolve issues they feel are getting in the way of reaching their potential. We believe in whole well-being and addressing all aspects of the self internally and externally to attain capacity for processing and adapting in life.
There are many reasons someone might want to access a psychologist. Often clients identify patterns in their lives they want to change, or people close to them have encouraged them to seek help. We often rely on our loved ones, work colleagues and friends to point out to us things we struggle to see in ourselves. It can help to come and speak to one of our trained listeners to get clarification and direction on these issues.
Seeking help does not mean you have ‘failed’, you cannot cope, or there is something ‘wrong’ with you. In the process of therapy, we are learning about the different layers of our consciousness and experience, in physiological, biological, mental and social contexts.
We can help guide your potential to attain and develop the capacity for processing change and adapting in life. This means establishing an understanding of how our view of the external world enables us to see our internal mechanisms and vice versa; how internal adjustments can empower us to create our external realities. Life is not a permanent state; we are in constant change. Therapy can assist us to attain ‘flow’ through the ability to better differentiate between these states, and negotiate them with appropriateness, skillfulness, and clarity.
Berry’s leading psychology practice
Shoalhaven Psychology Services is a leading private practice in Berry and Kiama; and the greater Shoalhaven region.
Our work is innovative, ethical, and of the highest International standard.
Experience transformational change
We will support your courage in finding new ways to grow and experience transformational change. Our team is highly motivated and give you more than 100% every time.
“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth, or back into safety”. Abraham Maslow
Our Values
At Shoalhaven Psychology we apply our values to every aspect of your experience with us. We will work with you in an environment that fosters:
- Care
- Gratitude
- Integrity
- Passion
- Commitment
- Happiness
- Service
We provide exceptional care and respect, creating a culture of warmth where everyone is welcome and feels safe. Our psychologists work hard in their own lives to maintain balance, so they can give you the deep commitment required to build a trusting therapeutic relationship. You can expect your therapist to be present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect. Our psychologists’ personal qualities are important in this setting: they have high emotional intelligence, are empathic, kind, gentle, humble, and down to earth. We are dedicated to providing excellence with openness and an inspiring, supportive commitment to your growth.

Which Is Your Therapist?
To set the stage we spent our three day yearly retreat together in sharing, reflection and appreciation. At each of our retreats we start with reflection on our values- are they still relevant, are they a part of our clients journey and do we refer to them enough? Are there values we need to spend more time bringing into the company?

Resolving Trauma
I spend much of my time at work speaking with clients about their experiences of trauma. These are often deeply personal conversations which involve vulnerability and working through what can be confronting core beliefs and experiences.

Shining the light on Perinatal Depression and Anxiety
Often as a therapist, your work life and personal life collide with similar themes. For me, the spotlight recently shone on all things parenting and baby related.