Psychological Assessments
Psychological Assessment and testing can be used for a range of purposes from intervention and diagnosis, to informing treatment. Each Assessment provides different types of information to assist in making informed decisions to ensure the best outcome for the child/young person or adult.
Why are psychological assessments performed?
Psychological Assessments are useful tools that assist in providing information for a wide range of issues. This includes:
- Assessing, re-assessing and diagnosing a range of Specific Learning Disorders, that then inform treatment and academic planning
- Assessing for Giftedness and/or twice exceptional Giftedness
- Help to target specific accommodations within the classroom to ensure optimal learning
- Assessing, re-assessing and planning an informed treatment plan for any cognitive difficulty or disability
- Assessing and providing a treatment plan for a wide range of Behaviour and Behaviour disorders
- Assessing, re-assessing and providing treatment plans and ongoing therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders
- To access funding under the NDIS
All these assessments are as inclusive as possible involving the client, and significant others; which may include parents, teachers, and any other professional/s involved.
Why should you choose Shoalhaven Psychology for your assessment needs?
Our Psychologists at Shoalhaven Psychology Services have a philosophy of working with the whole person.
We don’t stop at the diagnosis – this is only the first step. We provide comprehensive reports and feedback that explains the testing, why we are testing, what the results reveal about the person, and how we can help you or your child with ongoing treatment and therapy.
Cognitive and Full Educational Assessments
We have a number of psychologists who are experienced in identifying and using the right tests for assessing and treating children, adolescents and adults for up to 20 years.
Cognitive assessments for children
A few of our psychologists have worked in schools, assessing, recommending educational adjustments and helping these adjustments be implemented in the classroom. This extensive experience gives us a unique insight in how to work with schools to navigate your child’s schooling, and implement adjustments in their learning environment. We are a group practice and support each other in ongoing development and training in this area.
What this experience means for you:
- We are in a unique position on knowing how all independent, catholic and public school systems work both structurally as well as in areas of pastoral care, welfare system and learning support.
- We can provide realistic and practical adjustments, for both your child/young person, as well as the school and teacher that are easy to implement.
- We can recommend adjustments that do not put the child/young person in the spotlight, or put undue pressure on teachers that already have a heavy workload. We can also talk to the teacher about how to realistically put these adjustments into practice.
- We can set realistic goals for your child for either learning and/or behaviour, and provide ongoing counselling for the child/young person to help support their journey, and help achieve their optimal learning potential.
Cognitive assessments for adults
We are also highly experienced in advising when adults would benefit from a cognitive assessment. A baseline cognitive assessment provides a reference point to measure against in the case of problems or concerns (including major illness or brain injury). It also helps focus on specific areas when developing a treatment and prevention plan.
There are various reasons why adults need a cognitive assessment. Some of the reasons include:
- A young person finishes school, with little support and finding it difficult to secure employment- a cognitive assessment can provide a summary of your strengths and weaknesses, and if there is a particular issue. This is true for adults also that may be struggling to gain and maintain meaningful employment. The results can allow the young person/adult to access extras support in finding employment and inform career advice and direction.
- The brain continues to develop and change over time- It can be useful to have a reassessment after 10 years to help understand better your present strengths and weaknesses.
Cognitive Assessments
Fee: $1,600.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 8 hours).
What it involves:
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Report Preparation
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
- If requested, a one-page document is supplied to the child’s/young person’s school for reasonable adjustments to be implemented (at no extra cost)
Full Psychological-Educational Assessments (for identification of Specific Learning Difficulties (including Dyslexia) and Identification of Giftedness)
Fee: $2,500.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 12 hours)
What it involves:
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Achievement Assessment (WIAT-III) – 2 hours in the clinic
- Report Preparation
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
Intellectual Disability Assessments
Fee: $1,650.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 8 hours)
What it involves:
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Adaptive Assessment
- Report Preparation
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
Functional behaviour assessments
What is a Functional Behaviour Assessment and why do people need one?
A Behaviour Assessment identifies where, when and the likely reasons why behaviour/s of concern occur. In the education system, this is termed as a ‘function’ of behaviour.
The information that is gathered is then used to form the foundation for Behaviour Support and can be used to assist in Individual Education/ Behaviour Plans. Included in these plans are strategies to assist with behaviours of concern; and more importantly address why they are happening, and how to accommodate strategies to help optimal functioning in the classroom.
The basic steps are:
- Identify and define the problem behaviour.
- Gather information about the antecedents (before the behaviour occurs) and consequences that are triggering and maintaining the behaviour.
- Form a hypothesis by analysing the data to determine why the young person is demonstrating the behaviour.
- Plan interventions and strategies to address behaviours.
Functional Behaviour assessments are done using psychometric testing, interviews and observations. The commonly used tests are the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL),The Conners Rating Scale 3rd Edition and the Conners Comprehensive Rating Scale, The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS -3) and the Vineland. We also use the PAI and the Adolescent-PAI which is often required for court assessments.
Child ADHD/Behavioural Assessment
Fee: $2,500–$3,000
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 12 – 14 hours)
What it involves:
- Initial Parent Interview – 1 hour in the clinic
- ADHD/Behavioural Assessment – Child /Adolescent observation / talk – 1 hour in the clinic
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment for the Child / Adolescent – 2 hours in the clinic
- Online assessments completed by parent and class teacher
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
Please note, if the Psychologist assesses that there is likely a Specific Learning Difficulty, then a WIAT-III Assessment will be advised to be conducted as well (2 hour appointment in the clinic). This is an additional $500.00 (total fee will be $3,000.00).
Adult ADHD/Behavioural Assessment
Fee: $2,500.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx. 12 hours)
What it involves:
- Interview with Client – 2 hours in the clinic
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
ADOS (Autism) Assessments
Shoalhaven Psychology Services offer and have extensive experience in Autism Assessments from Children to Adults.
Often Autism comes with a dual diagnosis of other issues such as ADHD and learning difficulties. It’s important to know how the different behaviours interact with each other, and how to work with different behaviours. We have the experience to diagnose and differentiate between different behaviours.
Girls are more likely to present later for a diagnosis of autism, and often are misdiagnosed with other issues. Targeted treatment does not work if it is misguided.
At Shoalhaven Psychology Services, we are able to work through the complex issues of an appropriate diagnosis and provide appropriate ongoing treatment. This is very important as research confirms that girls who are misdiagnosed, are often more likely to have ongoing depression and anxiety, particularly as they begin adolescence.
These reports are used for NDIS applications as well as ongoing funding. Our NDIS reports repeatedly are used as the primary source for funding and for application approval. We know how to navigate this complex system and get the best outcome for the client.
Our reports are used by paediatricians, and other Allied Health professionals such as Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists to inform their treatment.
Shoalhaven Psychology Services has an excellent reputation of working with other local Allied Health providers, and Paediatricians in the diagnosis and ongoing treatment of Autism. We are known for our ability to work as a team with others to provide the best possible outcomes.
Our Autism diagnosis reports and treatment plans are regarded by the local paediatricians as extremely comprehensive and our treatment is regarded as inclusive, thorough and most importantly, we get results. We consistently see improvements in a child’s friendships, behaviour and family conflict.
a) We provide a plan for ongoing treatment – this includes an initial treatment session, and ongoing treatment sessions.
b) We work with all the significant people in the person’s life: Including – parents, schools, partners and any other medical or other Allied Health professionals involved.
c) The Brain changes across the lifespan – Research tells us that the earlier Autism is identified and ongoing treatment begins, social skills increase, which then in turn helps the child to have the skills to navigate school and beyond.
Child ADOS (Autism) Assessment
Fee: $3,000.00 – $3,500.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 14 – 17 hours)
What it involves:
- Initial Parent Comprehensive Interview – 2 hours in the clinic
- ADOS Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic. This is the gold standard in assessing autism.
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Observation at School or phone call/email – 1 hour plus travel time (if needed)
- Adaptive Assessments
- Report Preparation
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
Please note, if the Psychologist assesses that there is likely a Specific Learning Difficulty, then a WIAT-III Assessment will be advised to be conducted as well (2 hour appointment in the clinic). This is an additional $500.00 (total fee will be $3,500.00).
Adult ADOS (Autism) Assessment
Fee: $2,500.00 – $3,000.00
NDIS clients are charged at the current NDIS price guide on an hourly rate (approx 12 – 14 hours)
What it involves:
- ADOS Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic. This is the gold standard in assessing autism.
- Cognitive (IQ) Assessment – 2 hours in the clinic
- Adaptive Assessments
- Report Preparation
- Feedback and Consultation – 1 hour in the clinic
Medicare Rebates for ADOS Assessments can apply for children referred by a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist under the ‘Helping with Autism Initiative’.
Private funds may also offer a rebate for Assessments.
If you have a current NDIS package for your child/young person these assessments may be covered under your package. Please talk to us beforehand if you have any questions about this process.
*All prices quoted are an approximation and can change due to different needs and circumstances.
Please call us for your specific needs and one of our highly knowledgeable receptionists will help you. If they can’t, they will put you in touch with one of our Psychologists to answer any specific questions you may have.
Please note
All prices quoted are an approximation and can change due to different needs and circumstances.
Please call us for your specific needs and one of our highly knowledgeable receptionists will help you. If they can’t, they will put you in touch with one of our Psychologists to answer any specific questions you may have.

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