Grieving is an important process for healing.
Most of us experience grief at some stage of our lives, and although grief is most closely associated with coping with the loss of someone close to us through death – a spouse, friend, a family member – we also experience grief in response to other losses in life: a job, a close relationship, our health. Few people have any preparation for handling grief, and are not equipped to support family members and friends at times of grief and personal loss. Often people can have feelings which are frightening and painful, odd and even bizarre. But many of these feelings and responses are very normal and part of the process which must be worked through to resolve grief.
Pain is a subjective experience and whatever the cause there is little value in making comparisons about the feelings and responses one has. There is a universal need to express grief, depending on the individual and it is important to remember the feelings you experience are healthy, normal and part of the healing process. Failure to express them can often lead to more intense reactions including physical illness.
Grief and Healing
Grieving is important for healing and you may experience a wide range of feelings- shock, sadness, anger, guilt, depression and despair as well as relief, hope and acceptance. Seeking professional help at the time of loss can ensure the process of healing is occurring in a way with minimal prolonged impact to our lives and can leave us less prone to physical and psychological illness. It is important we understand the significant impact and the need to heal well.
If you have experienced loss and bereavement it is not a time to minimise or deny your emotional, physiological and psychological responses but to understand them and find healthy ways to express what you are experiencing.

Which Is Your Therapist?
To set the stage we spent our three day yearly retreat together in sharing, reflection and appreciation. At each of our retreats we start with reflection on our values- are they still relevant, are they a part of our clients journey and do we refer to them enough? Are there values we need to spend more time bringing into the company?

Resolving Trauma
I spend much of my time at work speaking with clients about their experiences of trauma. These are often deeply personal conversations which involve vulnerability and working through what can be confronting core beliefs and experiences.

Shining the light on Perinatal Depression and Anxiety
Often as a therapist, your work life and personal life collide with similar themes. For me, the spotlight recently shone on all things parenting and baby related.