Mindful: Getting along at home
It has been about 5 weeks now for Australia’s lockdown, and I have been living with 3 teens, one doing her HSC, a partner working from home, I’m working from home, a dog, and a stepson that is working at home with uni. And did I forget to mention- renovating and selling a house. People are anxious, and stressed living in confined spaces, little interaction with family, friends or work colleagues, dealing with uncertainty of when this is over, what does the HSC look like, what does my work look like.
When does life go back to normal? What is the new normal?
Talking to friends and colleagues, their households are similar. We are all living in a new era of anxiety, chaos and daily uncertainty. So how do you be mindful with social distancing, and very little time for yourself? Here a some tips that have worked well in our household.
- Scheduled regular family time that is fun without devices- lots of boardgames, Monopoly, Cluedo, and Exploding Kittens. We do this once a week.
- Regular scheduled alone time. Fortunately we live in a beach community on the South Coast. My son swims or surfs everyday. Water is a great way to relax. If you are not near a beach- baths, showers, your own pool.
- Exercise for everyone everyday.
- Everyone goes outside everyday rain/hail or shine
- Driveway Drinks with friends every week
- “Houseparty”- with Friends: Online platform, not an actual party
- Date night with my partner once a week- no kids allowed (they stay in their rooms, and watch their devices)
- I’m also regularly checking in with my kids both obviously and not so obviously, making sure they are actually doing Ok.
If you become worried about any of your family, psychologists are still open and operating both online and face to face. Please seek help early, it does matter
Jodie Humphreys