Blog – Mental Health Articles & Insights from our Psychologists
We love to share our knowledge and experience of psychology to benefit all. Join us as we blog about everyday experiences, to less common ones. Inspiring wellness with tips, insights, humour, and of course, plenty of warmth.
Shoalhaven Psychology Services Blog is for you if:
- You are seeking shared experiences
- You want transforming handy tips
- You enjoy psychology insights about everyday life from innovative professionals
- You’re serious about wellness and need a bit of psychological goodness from molecules, minds and everything in between.
Blended Families- The Good, the Bad, and the NOT so Ugly
When children and parents begin living in blended family situation, they bring with it a variety of complex issues that need to be addressed and navigated to create (fairly) harmonious living arrangements.
Emotion Coaching for Communities
Imagine if we could find a universal strategy that could support and promote sustainable emotional and behavioural well-being in our children? What if we could do this not only in our own communities but within our education systems too?
The Monster at 3am – Anxiety and Sleeplessness
I’m talking about Anxiety. Worry. Fear. That emotion that over activates our brain at exactly the time we should be sleeping.
Talking to Boys
Recent research highlights the necessity to teach our boys an emotional language. This is because an emotional language builds empathy and connection to others.
Mindful: Getting along at home
It has been about 5 weeks now for Australia’s lockdown, people are anxious, stressed living in confined spaces and dealing with uncertainty of when this is over. Here a some tips that have worked well in our household
Anxiety During COVID-19 – Power FM Interview with Janine Lord
Listen to Shoalhaven Psychology Principal Psychologist, Janine Lord, talk on PowerFM about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on anxiety and mental health.
Certainty in uncertain times: The Easter Bunny will still come
Like everyone else on the planet, I am experiencing the panic, anxiety & distress of the impacts of the Coronavirus. Life as we know it has had to change for a while.
Bushfire and Trauma
‘Communities and individuals affected by bushfire can experience a range of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can be intense, confusing and frightening.’
The trauma of the bushfires: Supporting our children and young people in recovery
In terms of the “what now” following on from the initial shock and grief from the bushfires, what can we expect in terms of our children’s mental health?
The truth about mindfulness
There has been a movement flowing along for some time now called mindfulness, or as I have heard said a “race to enlightenment”
Bushfires: We survived – But how do we pick up the pieces?
The community and wider Australia have been wonderful in supporting each other.
Research shows that if we meet regularly, face to face with friends, spend time with them, depression and anxiety rates are lower