Blog – Mental Health Articles & Insights from our Psychologists

We love to share our knowledge and experience of psychology to benefit all. Join us as we blog about everyday experiences, to less common ones. Inspiring wellness with tips, insights, humour, and of course, plenty of warmth.

Shoalhaven Psychology Services Blog is for you if:

  • You are seeking shared experiences
  • You want transforming handy tips
  • You enjoy psychology insights about everyday life from innovative professionals
  • You’re serious about wellness and need a bit of psychological goodness from molecules, minds and everything in between.
The Makings of a Positive Friendship

The Makings of a Positive Friendship

From early childhood we start forming friendships. Over time, these friendships may fizzle out or come to an end, but sometimes these friendships continue for many years.

Shoalhaven Psychology Services Values

Shoalhaven Psychology Services Values

Humility. Equality. Growth. Gratitude. These are the four core values that represent what we stand for and how we provide our services at Shoalhaven Psychology Services.

Birthday Bonanza Giveaway

Birthday Bonanza Giveaway

To celebrate the second birthday of our Kiama office, we are throwing a week long Birthday Bonanza Giveaway and gifting you with some of our favourite things – including a stay at Bangalay Luxury Villas!



The past 12 months has had more than its fair share of trauma. From fires to floods, then COVID and an ongoing battle with increasing rates of suicide. The more connected we feel, the easier it becomes to overcome obstacles.

“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you” 

C. G. Jung