Yes there are sacrifices we have to make when we have babies; so it’s important to keep alive those pieces of yourself whilst adapting to the here and now.
The Nature of Success
There is something about being lost in nature that brings a sense of harmony. How lucky am I, to have been invited to join a surf and meditation retreat, lost somewhere in nature’s finest.
Mood and Food – you are what you eat?
Is it possible to plan a diet for a good mood? This is a complex question and there is constantly evolving research – but the short answer is yes, food does affect our mood.
The past 12 months has had more than its fair share of trauma. From fires to floods, then COVID and an ongoing battle with increasing rates of suicide. The more connected we feel, the easier it becomes to overcome obstacles.
Blended Families- The Good, the Bad, and the NOT so Ugly
When children and parents begin living in blended family situation, they bring with it a variety of complex issues that need to be addressed and navigated to create (fairly) harmonious living arrangements.
Emotion Coaching for Communities
Imagine if we could find a universal strategy that could support and promote sustainable emotional and behavioural well-being in our children? What if we could do this not only in our own communities but within our education systems too?
The Monster at 3am – Anxiety and Sleeplessness
I’m talking about Anxiety. Worry. Fear. That emotion that over activates our brain at exactly the time we should be sleeping.
Mindful: Getting along at home
It has been about 5 weeks now for Australia’s lockdown, people are anxious, stressed living in confined spaces and dealing with uncertainty of when this is over. Here a some tips that have worked well in our household
The truth about mindfulness
There has been a movement flowing along for some time now called mindfulness, or as I have heard said a “race to enlightenment”
Mindfulness in the now
As a psychologist I have had the opportunity to learn about many life changing skills and strategies and what has stuck out the most, the most beneficial, the most effective and what I believe a fundamental life skill is that of mindfulness
The Glass is Half Full – A Look at Positive Psychology and Gratitude
A great exercise I did recently at a staff development day was to think about a negative in your life and turn it in to a positive. Here’s one we used, thinking “my house is always a mess…my kids just leave their stuff everywhere!”…